Sales of real estate to foreign companies in Turkey
Turkey's Constitutional Court decides to annul a law allowing sales of real estate to foreign companies. According to Finance Minister of Turkish government Kemal Unakitan "This decision does not help our efforts to attract foreign investors into Turkey,"
In the article of Guardian which depends on Reuters news about the sales of real estate to foreign companies stated that " The Constitutional Court ruling, which cannot be appealed against, on Wednesday cancelled a law allowing sales of property to companies established by foreign investors or joint ventures involving foreign firms."
The court ruling will come into force six months later following its publication in the Official Gazette.
The deals which are already made will not be affected from the latest development.
According to Wolfango Piccoli, an analyst for Eurasia Group, said that "While the government is expected to make new changes in the title-deed law before the ruling comes into force, the decision by the court is certainly negative."
Economists fear the ruling could scare off investors in the real estate sector at a time when foreign direct investment (FDI) is most needed to protect the $620 billion economy from global financial turbulence.
Turkey attracted $22 billion in FDI in 2007 and expects to receive more than $20 billion this year through privatisation and greenfield investments as well as real estate sales ahead of the ban.
Turkey's real estate market has seen a boom in recent years, helped by a young and fast-growing population, economic growth averaging 7 percent a year, foreign buyers and prospects of European Union membership.
"Foreign investors' real estate purchases amounted to around $2.9 billion in 2007, an important part of FDI that is the main financing tool of the growing current account deficit."
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The purpose of this blog is to gather all turkish lawyers and law offices in classified manner according to their branches and the cities where they are in charge.
Beside the list of turkish lawyers and law offices you will find some information about turkish laws, regulations and judicial system. I try to add also the english translation of some important laws.
Any contribution from your side would be highly appreciated.
Bu blogta hedeflenen amaç internet sitesine sahip avukat ve hukuk bürolarının uzmanlık alanlarına ve kayıtlı oldukları barolara göre listelenmesidir. Tüm avukat ve hukuk bürolarının listelenmesi hedeflenmekle ve belirli periyodlarda arama motorlari taranarak güncelleme yapılmakla beraber hiç kuşkusuz bir çok eksik avukat ve büro da bulunmaktadir.
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Bildiğiniz gibi Türkiye Barolar Birliği Reklam Yasağı Yönetmeliği Madde 9 c bendine gore "İş sağlama amacına yönelik ve meslektaşlarıyla haksız rekabete yol açacak şekilde, internet kullanıcılarını kendi sitesine veya kendi sitesinden bir başka siteye yönlendirecek internet kısa yolları kullanamaz, kullanılmasına izin veremez ve reklam veremez ve alamaz."
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Sales of real estate to foreign companies in Turkey
Etiketler: Constitutional Court, court, court ruling, Eurasia Group, Finance Minister, foreign investment, Guardian, Official Gazette, turkish law
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